-sarah's ephemeral field journal project will be exhibited at the museum of blanche hoschéde monet (france) in 2026

-imago lisboa (portugal) will exhibit sarah’s work in 2025

-sarah is artist-in-residence at harvard university's CSWR 2024-2025. sarah's work is currently installed at harvard university in the department of earth and planetary sciences and will expand to the CSWR in January 2025

-two works by sarah were selected for the exhibition "flora," juried by wendi schneider were in may 2024 at the SE center for photography

-the algorithmic sea, sarah's collaboration with gabriel pereira and carlos oliveira was exhibited at CCBB in rio de janeiro in december 2023 and moved to CCBB in são paulo on march 26, 2024

16 ft
12 ft
© Sarah Schorr. FolioLink © Kodexio ™ 2024
© Sarah Schorr. FolioLink © Kodexio ™ 2024